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Introduction to Shanta Vira Yoga - mit Michael Stewart

Das Kursangebot in Kürze

  • 15. -17. Dezember 2023
  • Kosten:
    410 € Übernachtung im Doppel- bis Dreibettzimmer oder Zirkuswagen inkl. Verpflegung und Kursgebühr
    450 € im Einzelzimmer (nur begrenzt verfügbar!)
    350 € ohne Übernachtung
  • Anreise ab 12 Uhr, spätestens 15 Uhr
  • Abreise 14 Uhr
  • ca. 10 Zeitstunden Yoga mit Michael Stewart, Kirtan am Samstag Abend
  • der Kurs findet in englischer Sprache statt!
  • Zuzüglich Kurtaxe (2,50 € pro Person und Nacht)

Ich bin immer sehr froh, meinen Lehrer Michael Stewart bei uns im Haus zu haben. Meine Empfehlung! Er gibt in diesem Kurs eine umfangreiche Einführung in Shanta Vira Yoga, das Yoga des friedvollen Kriegers. Und bereitet uns dabei auf die Herausforderungen der nahenden dunklen Winterzeit vor.

In this weekend together we will have an opportunity to dive deeply into the practices that make Shanta Vira Yoga a specific yoga system to serve each of you in the world today. Our weekend will include all the elements of Shanta Vira Yoga.

The Three pillars of Shanta Vira Yoga: Tantric Hatha Yoga, Creativity and Community will be revealed with practices over the course of the weekend to give each of you a clear perspective on how this system will support you as a ‘house holder” practitioner and Yogi preparing for the Winter with all that it brings.

There will be a series of offerings included in this weekends explorations. Tantric Hatha Yoga is where each of you will have an opportunity to meet, nurture and prepare yourself for the weeks ahead. In these workshop type classes you have enough time to fully understand the Asana, Pranayama, Mantras and Mudras that will best support you for the season of sharing, expenditure of energy and darkness to follow.

The Creativity part of Shanta Vira Yoga will deepen one of your most human qualities; the ability to adapt, transform and re-create as is necessary. This vital aspect of SVY is especially valuable when we encounter familiar situations; like family gatherings, holidays and the impending winter. How do we adapt, when everything seems as it has always been?

Finally the Community aspect of Shanta Vira Yoga will allow each of you to fully embrace the community, of your choosing by integrating yourself fully while keeping your; healthy, safe boundaries. Now more then ever it is so important for us to integrate and keep clear boundaries.

This entire weekend retreat has been designed, specifically to allow each of us to nurture ourselves, while preparing for whats ahead. I look forward to sharing with you all. Come with an Open Mind and Leave with an Open Heart.

Jai Shri Ma


  • Erfahrungen mit Hatha Yoga und Pranayama
  • Englischkenntnisse

Preis im Doppelzimmer

€ 410,00

Preis im Einzelzimmer

€ 450,00

Ohne Übernachtung

€ 350,00



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